
Basketouch Solutions

Basket & apps software data estadistics processs

BT Analytics: Software for live analysis of Technical - Tactical and Plus Minus performance

BT Cloud: Data Store & Communications

Key features

We focus on the growth of your TEAM.

We create specific software and processes for basketball. We explore needs and create solutions. We have created a Suite with a range of products that will make life easier on your team, be it professional (our Software is used by the Spanish National Team, 2019 World Champion) or amateur. For all levels our tools are adapted.

Tactical Analysis

BT Analytics

Software for live analysis of Technical - Tactical and Plus Minus performance. The analysis during the game with our App for Tablets (iOS and Android) allows you to know graphically and numerically the performance of your systems, technical concepts and players.

Thanks to the different licenses, the software adapts to your needs. You can also edit your concepts to deepen and personalize your analysis.

Basketouch ANALYTICS
Data Store & Communications

BT Cloud

All your information in a safe place. We create a space to store, share and communicate with the rest of your club members, players or staff. Training, game plans, game videos or technical fundamentals, everything you need to have on hand on a daily basis and season after season.

  • 1. Store all your content
  • 2. Comunícate con otros usuarios de la organización
  • 3. Crea calendarios, tareas o notas rápidas compartidas
  • 4. Una nueva manera de trabajar desde Cloud
Basketouch CLOUD